Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Memories of Menor (The little one)

This is a story of a little fish that passed away on a really rainy day.

In October, we moved to Villa Riviera. My mom chose this house (D-2), because it wasn’t too small, and it wasn’t too big. Our house was the one with the cute little waterfall. This is where I met the fishes. There were 2 black fishes, two orange ones, two shiny fishes, and the little one of the pond. We named him Menor. My nanny called him that for he was the smallest in the pond and there were no other fish like him. He was also the funniest in pond and the cutest.

Menor & the Food

Everyday in the morning my nanny and I gave the fishes some fish food. The funny part about Menor there is that every time he catches one fish food, it comes right back out of his mouth. But sometimes, it stays in his mouth. One time, Menor had one fish food in his mouth, it came out, and an orange fish ate it. Also, when my nanny is giving the fishes bread, instead of Menor eating the smaller pieces of bread, he went for the giant ones. It took lots and lots of time for him to eat his food because he has a really tiny mouth. That was two of my memories.

Menor the friend:

This might sound funny, but every time I was lonely, Menor was always there for me. One time, I was really lonely. So I went outside where my nanny was reading. She was also bored. So then, we were talking together while looking at the pond and…. Out from a rock came Menor! He was so hyper. He was practically moving very fast around the other fishes. Once he came out we weren’t bored any more. We were talking about how funny he was. This is how he is a friend to me, my nanny, my family, and friends.

Menor and his family:

After Christmas, some fishes died from the cold. There were hardly any fishes left in the pond. Menor, had survived Christmas. So my nanny and I were very happy to see him alive. But then, he wasn’t as happy and hyper as he usually was. He was calmer. A few months later, he got use to being without many fishes. Something needed to be done. So a few days later, Menorsita was in the pond. Menorsita stands for (The little one (for girl).) They got married. They had some baby fishes. Well, lots of baby fishes. They were all very happy.

Menor’s death:

Weeks later after Mating, was really raining. It was on a Saturday. The pond was flooded, the garden was flooded, and the pond already went to the grass. As my brother and I were playing Wii, my brother thought he saw a little fish out of water. But I thought it was nothing.

The next day was a big and sad surprise. We saw Menorsita, alone, going from corner to corner, rock to rock, looking for Menor. A few minutes later she hid in a rock, just sitting there alone. Menor had passed away on that rainy day. I threw a flower on to the pond wishing him a good time in fish heaven. My nanny threw a pink flower for sadness that he had died.

I will never forget the memories of Menor.


Ro said...

Qué linda historia Lía. Y qué bien escrita está. Me hizo sentir la tristeza de la pérdida de Menor. Espero que Menorcita consiga otro amiguito para no estar solita.

tia Rosa said...

Hola mi linda sobrinita,
que talento tienes, cuentas las historias muy bien. Me parecia estar alli contigo y con Nana, hasta podia ver the fish pond and the fishes in my mind's eyes. Desde aqui le mando una florecita a Menor tambien y a Menorcita.
Sigue escribiendo, sigue contando historias.
te quiero mucho
tia Rosa